Tip of the Day 02

finding the perfect balance to what information to withhold from your campers and what to let them know.

For instance, your campers will eventually ask what time things are and what we are doing. They came to camp and expect certain things. You will communicate when swimming time is. When meals are. And things they want to hear.

For one, the schedule is posted in the caf-a-guy-a-torium for anyone to look at. So you could direct your camper there, or withhold where it is to be funny.

But it’s less fun for everyone if you tell your camper(s) exactly what time everything is going to happen. It is very hard for you to memorize such schedules. And your campers have way too much information coming at them, so they won’t feel relaxed or anything.

In my experience, it is the optimum amount of fun if you only tell your campers the minimal amount of information plus voluntary comments that are helpful. Which definitely includes what they need to know so they can plan ahead too. The helpful comments usually include:

“We will have free time at 3:30, which means you can go swimming in the lake then.”

-Helpful Cabin Leader

“Chapel will be after breakfast at 9:30, you will need to grab your Bible from the caf-a-gym-a-torium.”

-Helpful Cabin Leader

So I found this is the best way to communicate times and information to campers.

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